Welcome to Impact Ministry

Impact Ministry is a blessed website to help youth who wants to learn about God's words by reading, listening, and sharing about life stories, motivation quotes, testimony, motivation videos, and articles to make an impact on others. Our website cooperates with communities and churches such as GKI English Service Salatiga and Pondok Kasih Orphanage. Our purpose here is to share how God works and bless the youth's life. After you read and watch, we hoping that you will be blessed and bring positive Impacts to people around you. We are so happy that you can visit our website and we hope that you will be blessed after reading the articles, the news, and the videos on our website! We also give opportunities to anyone who wants to share about their testimony, quotes or articles to be posted on our website by contacting us through our Email: ministryimpact80@gmail.com . 

God bless you!

Impact Photos

Daily food for Faith


Impact poems 

Impact Videos

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Pelayanan Bahasa Inggris GKI Salatiga

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